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Sample No. 680: Kid-Cloth
Label Information: |
?Kid-Cloth. "Puttoo", a wrapper. Fine quality. Woven in half width of 31 |
Material: Wool
Volume No: Volume XVIII
Barcode: 10101656
Series No: 1
Sample No: 680
Uses Spacific: Wrapper
Uses-General: Clothing, General
Type of Cloth: Woollen, fine quality
Name of Cloth: Kid-Cloth
Sample cut from
Lenth of Cloth: 4 yards 29 inches
Width of Cloth: 1 yard 27 inches
Weight of Cloth: 4 lbs. 1 oz.
Price: 3l. 4s.
Fabric: Indian
From: Lahore, Punjab Pak, Pakistan
State/Province: Punjab Pak
Place: Lahore
Country: Pakistan
Forbes Watson described this area as: Lahore