Sample No. 283: Muslins
Label Information: |
Muslins. Striped (Dooreea) muslin. Narrow gold stripe in end. |
Material: Cotton
Volume No: Volume VIII
Barcode: 10101291
Series No: 1
Sample No: 283
Uses Spacific: None
Uses-General: Fabrics general
Type of Cloth: Striped Muslin
Name of Cloth: Muslins
Sample cut from
Lenth of Cloth: 14 yards
Width of Cloth: 30.5 inches
Weight of Cloth: 10 3/4 oz.
Price: 1l. 13s.
Fabric: Indian
From: Chundaree;Bengal, West Bengal, India
State/Province: West Bengal
Place: Chundaree;Bengal
Country: India
Forbes Watson described this area as: Chundaree, Bengal
Sample No. 893: Muslin
Label Information: |
- |
Material: Cotton
Volume No: Volume XIII
Barcode: 10102482
Series No: 2
Sample No: 893
Uses Spacific: Garment
Uses-General: Clothing - General
Type of Cloth: -
Name of Cloth: Muslin
Sample cut from
Lenth of Cloth: 8 yds. 22 ins.
Width of Cloth: 27 ins.
Weight of Cloth: 10 oz. 15 dr.
Price: -
Fabric: Textile Manufacturers of India
From: Hyderabad, Telangana, India
State/Province: Telangana
Place: Hyderabad
Country: India